Maintaining a UV system doesn’t take a lot of effort
To ensure VIQUA UV systems perform at an optimal level, two system components require regular replacement or cleaning: the lamp and quartz sleeve.
If a UV system is in continuous use, the UV lamp should be changed every year. Most VIQUA systems have a countdown timer that indicates the days of useful life remaining on the lamp. An important note: Only VIQUA lamps should be used in VIQUA systems. Using an off-brand lamp impacts system performance and could void the warranty.
Cloudy or fouled quartz sleeves do not transmit the full UV dose into the water. Clean sleeves using a mineral removal, such as CLR. With VIQUA Arros™, the lamp and sleeve come in a single component, making maintenance even easier.
These annual maintenance requirements provide opportunities for you to earn recurring revenue. We’ve created a brochure, “Caring for Your VIQUA UV System,” to help you explain the maintenance requirements to your customers.
For more information, check out the maintenance overview.